Monday, November 19, 2012

My Eternal Moon

My Eternal Moon

Vampires, Werewolves, Nekos, Elves, and Angels don't seem to get along real well these past few days. The moon goddess isn't too happy about the constant war she sees, as she's the gentle spirit of mother nature. The Sun god however...


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Nami L'Chi
Member for 0 years

can i reserve neko sister please?
also, are there elves? (just judging from intro)
because if there are, i'd change my reservation to that.

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Member for 0 years

There are 5 races to choose from but yes :D You can choose from Elves, Neko, Werewolves, Angels, Vampires... **wonders if I forgot to put the elves up there...**
just as soon as you can post your character Application... I don't want to hold characters up... :D

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Nami L'Chi
Member for 0 years

Yay!! Can't wait to see what ya come up with ^_^
=whispers while bribing with cookies= get yer friends to apply too :3

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Nami L'Chi
Member for 0 years

this looks interesting, i think ill be putting in a character for this but probably tomorrow because it is late

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Member for 0 years

-claps happily- Yayy :3 can't wait for it :P

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Nami L'Chi
Member for 0 years

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